Nutritional counseling for a healthier life

Discover how tailored nutritional guidance can lead to enhanced well-being, increased energy, and a healthier life.
Benefits of Nutritional Counseling

Why Choose Nutritional Counseling?

Receiving personalized nutrition advice offers a myriad of benefits that lead to a healthier body and clearer mind.
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Personalized Diet Plans

Tailoring your diet to fit your individual needs and lifestyle for optimal health results.

Digestive Health

Enhance your gut health, reduce bloating, and feel lighter and more energized.

Weight Management

Attain your weight goals through balanced food choices and understanding portion control.

Emotional Well-being

Understand the link between food, mood, and emotions for a balanced mind.

Increased Vitality

Eating the right foods can lead to increased energy levels and zest for life.

Sustainable Eating Habits

Develop nutritional habits that benefit your health and are sustainable in the long run.
Common Conditions We Treat

Issues tackled by our nutritional counseling services

From digestion issues to weight management, our nutritional counseling offers guidance on a broad spectrum of dietary concerns to enhance overall health.

Digestive Concerns

Strategies and food suggestions to improve gut health and digestion.

Dietary Guidance

Understanding the right food choices for one's individual needs.

Hydration & Detox

Tips and strategies for effective hydration and detoxification.

Mood & Food Connection

Understand how diet affects emotional well-being and mental clarity.

Hear from our incredible patients

Check out some of our verified testimonials from our patients below:
I can't thank Dr Ruge enough for providing the most effective non-surgical options and holistic approach to health from the inside out. He really cares about my needs, listens to understand and provides invaluable care. Thank you for teaching me to slow down, listen to my body and being mindful of how to care for it.
Rika R.
Dr. Ruge and Violet concentrate on an excellent customer experience and educating the clients to manage their overall health. I have suffered with migraines most my life and to date the best cure for my migraine is an adjustment from Dr. Ruge! I don't get them frequently since I've been coming here!
Nichelle L.
Dr. Ruge is the best chiropractor I have ever had hands down!  Over 20 years of experience in his field!  He is a great listener, takes thorough notes and has excellent bed side manner. The staff at this facility is friendly, patient and knowledgeable. Throughout the facility they have essential oils burning to help relax patients minds.
Cheryl L.
I can't thank Dr Ruge enough for providing the most effective non-surgical options and holistic approach to health from the inside out. He really cares about my needs, listens to understand and provides invaluable care. Thank you for teaching me to slow down, listen to my body and being mindful of how to care for it.
Pete H.
Looking for someone that cares and will meet you on your level? Go see Dr. Ruge. If you want an Amazing massage see Violet. I finally found a Chiropractic office that isn't in a hurry to take your money, and get you in and out as fast as possible. I love the care I receive each time and the positive energy in the office.
Dee T.
My family and I (ages 50 to 12) have been seeing Dr. Ruge for the last four years and have referred many friends here. We have received excellent care from Dr. Ruge and the office is clean, the staff is friendly and the equipment is top notch - definitely recommend!!
Amy H.
Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about nutritional counseling

Dive deeper into the benefits and methodologies of our nutritional counseling service.
What is Nutritional Counseling?
Nutritional Counseling is a personalized approach to health and wellness that involves assessing individual dietary habits and needs. A qualified professional provides recommendations, guidance, and support to help individuals make healthier food choices and achieve specific health goals.
How is Nutritional Counseling different from diet fads or trends?
Unlike temporary diet fads that often prioritize quick results over long-term health, Nutritional Counseling offers evidence-based, personalized guidance tailored to individual health needs, ensuring sustainability and overall well-being.
Do I need any prior knowledge about nutrition for Nutritional Counseling?
No prior knowledge is required. Our experts will provide you with all the necessary information and support tailored to your unique needs and goals.
How often should I have a Nutritional Counseling session?
The frequency varies based on individual needs. Some may benefit from weekly sessions initially, while others might opt for bi-weekly or monthly check-ins. Your counselor will help determine the best schedule for you.
Can Nutritional Counseling assist with specific health conditions?
Yes. Nutritional Counseling can provide guidance for conditions like diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal issues, and more. Proper nutrition can play a crucial role in managing and sometimes even alleviating certain health conditions.
Is Nutritional Counseling adapted to individual dietary needs and preferences?
Absolutely. Our counselors take into account personal preferences, dietary restrictions, allergies, and cultural considerations to create a plan that's both effective and enjoyable for the individual.
How does Nutritional Counseling address food allergies or sensitivities?
During initial assessments, any known food allergies or sensitivities are identified. Personalized plans are then crafted to ensure they are free from these allergens while still meeting nutritional needs.
Are there immediate advantages to adjusting my diet based on counseling recommendations?
While the full benefits of dietary changes often take time, many individuals report increased energy, improved digestion, better mood, and other positive changes shortly after making recommended adjustments.
What's the difference between a nutritionist and a dietician, and who will I be consulting with?
Both nutritionists and dietitians are experts in food and nutrition. However, a dietician typically has specific educational and credentialing requirements and can offer medical nutritional therapy. Depending on the facility, you could be consulting with either a nutritionist, dietician, or both.
How does Nutritional Counseling complement other health and wellness services?
Proper nutrition plays a foundational role in overall health. By integrating Nutritional Counseling with other services like physical therapy or mental health counseling, individuals often see improved outcomes, faster recovery times, and enhanced overall well-being.

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